Getting Around
Grace and Kenny will be providing transportation between the recommended hotel and the Piedmont Community Church. But you'll need to get around during the rest of your trip. Here are some tips:
The best way to get around Oakland and San Francisco is BART - Bay Area Rapid Transit. This public transit system connects Oakland and San Francisco to each other and other points in the East Bay. BART fares depend on the distance between stations. From downtown Oakland to downtown San Francisco, the fare is $3.30, and the trip is only 15 minutes. Be advised, BART does not run 24 hours. However, there are several late night busses.
Other public transit options include AC Transit busses, the Broadway B Shuttle, and the San Francisco Bay Ferry, all provide easy access throughout Oakland, San Francisco, and other points throughout the Bay Area. Google Maps can provide you with detailed door-to-door directions
San Francisco and Oakland Airports both have large rental car stations with most major brands. The Bay Area is connected by several toll bridges. Tolls are imposed on west-bound trips and range from $4 to $6 depending on the bridge and the time of day. To save you time, we recommend that you obtain a Fastrack pass with your rental car. Please note: the EZPass used on the East Coast (and other places) will not work on Bay Area Bridge Authority Bridges.
Driving around the Bay Area can be fairly straight forward (though Grace still gets lost in San Francisco), but if you do not have reliable turn-by-turn on your smartphone, we do recommend getting GPS service with your rental car. Most destinations throughout the area can be reached within an hour, but traffic can worsen during rush hours (7-10 am and 4-7pm weekdays, 5-7pm weekends) or during special events (like baseball games).